Equities and Alchemy

Equities and Alchemy

Jobs, financial markets, marketing, macroeconomics, individual investors, corporate criminals,
predatory financiers, market manipulation,
equities and alchemy

Buyer Beware

October. This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. Other dangerous months are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February.
- Mark Twain


Family net worth down 40 percent, Federal Reserve says - POLITICO.com

Family net worth down 40 percent, Federal Reserve says - POLITICO.com

American families’ median net worth “fell dramatically” between 2007 and 2010, plummeting nearly 40 percent to levels last seen in the early 1990s, according to the Federal Reserve.

Median net worth dropped from $126,400 in 2007 to $77,300 in 2010. Overall, median net worth fell 38.8 percent and the mean fell 14.7 percent.

The drop in net worth largely stemmed from the housing crisis...

The Fed conducts the survey every three years... so the situation has stabilized but with few bright spots.

“Although declines in the values of financial assets or business were important factors for some families, the decreases in median net worth appear to have been driven most strongly by a broad collapse in house prices.”

The Fed pointed out that between 2007 and 2010, median net worth “fell dramatically for families living in all regions of the country, but especially for those living in the West — a 55.3 percent decline. 

This pattern reflects the effect of the collapse of housing values in several parts of the West region. Median wealth in every other region fell 28.2 percent or more.”

Meanwhile, the median income for all American families fell 7.7 percent.

And that can't be blamed on the end of the housing bubble...

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0612/77298.html#ixzz1xYZsB62T


Poverty, Human Rights, protecting the Environment and working toward Sustainability are Mankind's greatest challenges in the 21st Century.

About Me

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Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Jennifer believes we live in the garden of Eden and I believe that we are destroying it. Our saving grace is within ourselves, our faith, and our mindfulness. We need to make a conscious effort to respect and preserve all life.