Equities and Alchemy

Equities and Alchemy

Jobs, financial markets, marketing, macroeconomics, individual investors, corporate criminals,
predatory financiers, market manipulation,
equities and alchemy

Buyer Beware

October. This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. Other dangerous months are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February.
- Mark Twain



Having a “bright idea” and then “selling” it is a recipe for a hard road to travel. It is the much maligned inside-out behavior that lies at the heart of enterprise and organization difficulties. 
-Peter F. Drucker
Innovation and Entrepreneurship


"Checklist routines avoid a lot of errors. You should have all this elementary [worldly] wisdom and then you should go through a mental checklist in order to use it. There is no other procedure in the world that will work as well." 

-- Charlie Munger - 2007

Charlie Munger’s Two-Track Analysis:

1. First, what are the factors that really govern the interests involved, rationally considered?
2. And second, what are the subconscious influences where the brain at a subconscious level is automatically doing these things – which by and large are useful, but which often misfunction.

One approach is rationality – the way you’d work out a bridge problem: by evaluating the real interests, the real probabilities and so forth. And the other is to evaluate the psychological factors that cause subconscious conclusions – many of which are wrong.


Charlie Munger’s “ultra-simple general notions”:
1. Solve the big no-brainer questions first.
2. Use math to support your reasoning.
3. Think through a problem backward, not just forward.
4. Use a multidisciplinary approach.
5. Properly consider results from a combination of factors, or lollapalooza effects.

Peter Bevelin has some checklists in his book Seeking Wisdom: From Darwin to Munger that may also be worth a look to all interested persons.

 LINK: http://www.valueinvestingworld.com/2007/05/charlie-and-checklists.html


Poverty, Human Rights, protecting the Environment and working toward Sustainability are Mankind's greatest challenges in the 21st Century.

About Me

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Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Jennifer believes we live in the garden of Eden and I believe that we are destroying it. Our saving grace is within ourselves, our faith, and our mindfulness. We need to make a conscious effort to respect and preserve all life.