Materiality Process
Materiality Process
In 2012, Barrick identified twelve material issues, of high
importance to our licence to operate and to our stakeholders, on which
to report.
Materiality Process
In order to help ensure a balanced and reasonable presentation of our
responsible mining performance, we must first determine what to cover
in this report. A company of Barrick’s size is faced with a myriad of
social, environmental, and economic issues on which it could report. We
therefore have a process to identify those issues that are material to
our business; that is, important to Barrick’s stakeholders and society,
and that stand to impact our social licence to operate. For this 2012
Responsibility Report, we identified these material issues through a
three step process. Each of the material issues has been covered in
detail in the remainder of this report.
Poverty, Human Rights, protecting the Environment and working toward Sustainability are Mankind's greatest challenges in the 21st Century.